Do:Topia: Cybersecurity and tinfoil hats

Organized by
Enigma Museum for post, tele & kommunikation, Øster Alle 1 , Copenhagen , Denmark
January 29, 2017 - 1:00 PM
January 29, 2017 - 4:00 PM

Big Brother is watching, but no need to don the tin foil hat and move into a bunker (yet).

DO:TOPIA and Enigma invite you to an afternoon of digital self-defence and security. You can learn when you should be using encryption and how to do it (it's pretty easy!), the famous TOR browser and how to do a health check of your privacy settings - do you realise when and how much you share, and do you know how to minimise it? We can help with all of that.

We will also be hearing about surveillance in a historical perspective. Thought this was a new phenomenon? Think again. (Talk in Danish).

Last but not least, we invite you to take part in a conversation salon about revenge porn, shame and privacy in the digital age.

Participation is as always FREE, and child friendly. Activities for the little ones will be provided, so you can get involved without too many distractions.

✖︎ What you need to do: Bring your digital device, phone, tablet or laptop. We recommend bringing your laptop. No special skills needed. ✖︎

✖︎ 13.00: Welcome and Intro
✖︎ 13.05-13.25: Scenes from a Surveillance Society (talk in Danish)
✖︎ 13.30: Workshops: digital self-defence and encryption, TOR browser, email and text encryption, privacy settings on digital services.
✖︎ 14.30: Shame, blame and security – conversation salon on revenge porn.

What is DO:TOPIA?
DO:TOPIA is a word play on utopia, dystopia and do-it-yourself. It is an activist, collaborative event series aiming to promote digital democracy and citizenship, and help make it more accessible to engage in our digital reality.
DO:TOPIA was initiated by the network Renegade Runners and is organised by a motley crew of cyberfeminists, internet nerds, tin foil hat enthusiasts, digital activists and curious people.

DO:TOPIA is open source - anyone can join. Drop us a line if you have a good idea or would like to be involved in organising.

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