Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the madness.
This will be a bit of a special piece. You haven't heard from us at Killjoy.dk in a while, and here's the reason. Normally this would be a blog piece, but due to it's impact on the woman behind the website, I have "promoted" it exceptionally to be also sort of an opinion piece, but do know this is very personal. I have written this piece in the hopes that it might ease explaining to friends and those who have been following this website closely for years som difficulties I have gone through. To an outsider, there will be many things in this piece that require more context to fully understand. It is not written with the intention to be accessible to everyone, but anybody is welcome to try their best to parse and see what they may learn. Please pass it on to those whom it may concern. Trigger Warnings for suicide, abuse, and traumatic things in general. Please be warned that I am very raw about my own feelings in this. Despite it's length, I hope many people will read and appreciate it. This has been a long time in the making.
So, I’ve been somewhat quiet for a while, but it’s time I started opening up some more again.
Before I start talking about my own misery, I want to clarify a few moral positions I hold myself accountable to most of the time:
There are important distinctions to be made between trying to deplatform someone, and trying to remove them from social and financial security.
There is another significant distinction to this between trying to achieve this against someone who is vulnerable to it, and someone who is not as much so. I.e. “cancelling”, or “calling out”, or whatever the righteous kids call it today, has very different impact whether it be attempted against someone with a secure source of income or wealth, and too many powerful friends to truly be at risk of ostracization, versus the impact it can have on some of the most vulnerable voices of the public - marginalised but outspoken individuals, who might seem up-and-coming, but with a still pretty small following and perhaps a few too many friends who are easily swayed by threats of guilt-by-association.
Another moral-ish position I hold, believe it or not, is that everyone needs people who support them and are willing to see their best sides and potential, despite occasional shortcomings or problematic behaviour, ESPECIALLY when they are wrong. And this is why I make a hardcore distinction between escalating a conflict and bringing your best arguments and stories into a public display of beef (including the emotional and sometimes shaming/shameful ones), and that of trying to “win” an argument by intimidation of not only your opponent, but especially those who provide them with that highly needed social support and safety to be able to grow. The latter I define as abuse rather than conflict. And a whole fucking lot of people out there - in particular, but not only; those who have experienced only the mildest forms of psychological trauma - seem to get the two things mixed up whenever it seems the most convenient to their own social position.
So in a nutshell: Stop fucking attacking people’s closest friends, lovers, and allies when you disagree with them. And especially stop fucking doing it when the person in question is a woman or otherwise effeminate person who is being villified for “impure behaviour”.
I don’t pretend to be free of all guilt, and I don’t claim to have always followed those moral positions no matter what. I hold myself up to a standard that says I might as well do the best I can, but I’ll maintain love for myself as long as I do merely just better than whoever came before me. I like to think that leaving the place shiny clean is a cool feat, but I’m alright with less than perfect as long as I leave it just a little bit better than when I got here.
So forgive me for being able to forgive myself and others for having growth difficulties now and then. But only I get to decide when the right amount of amends and improvement has been tried for me to love again. I’m not a turning-the-other-cheek kind of person. I’m highly ambitious, not scared to be wrong sometimes in the service of being more often right by … speaking up and trying to establish a communication as much as possible rather than giving in to my intensely anxious headmates.
Here’s the thing: I also hold myself accountable to a few sometimes clashing, but often highly emotionally invested moral positions, such as trying my best to be that pillar of emotional support and safety to people I hold dear or can see myself reflected in.
But also, weirdly, I’ve assumed a moral convention that being dishonest to someone and not mirroring the level of (dis)respect they extend to others in their typical style of communication, is worse than being mean. Such is one of the big dilemmas of life: That experiencing powerful love, but never of the loyal kind, leaves me with a need to be a giant pain in the ass, and often such that I end up throwing accusations at people who won’t stand for it. Take it or leave it, it just seems to be that as an autistic person, the more love you have, the more disloyal and rude to claims of authority you become. Call me a scoundrel, or even a playful idiot, and I will call you right back with the same level of loving disrespect - if I believe your intentions are friendly or lewd. But put me in a position, where I will feel unsure about your impact on the integrity of the mental or physical safety of people I love (be they friends yet or not), and I might just so suspend my adherence to some of the moral position I hold lower than others, in preference of the most important ones.
And so she ranted
Now, I hope it’s dawned by now to most of you that this piece is gonna be a whole lot more of me talking about me. So now would be a good time to share my article to your friends and call me a deluded narcissist to please your need to broadcast your incompetence in psychological terminology. But I noticed a whole lotta people actually appreciate me sharing some of my perspectives and insights from my most favourite special interest: my own brain, and whatever else might affect cognition in my body. So buckle up for some unashamed autistic “oversharing”. *Laughs with disaffection*
And great news! I’ve stopped feeling unsure about what’s best for myself. I’ve become less dependent since the loss of several critical supports in my life, a lot of hard-earned restructuring of myself, and what kind of people I allow to influence my life.
So I feel ready to tell you: It’s been rough.
Most of you probably already knew that.
But maybe you’d still like some more context - if anything, you can use it to improve your ability to understand me and my choices and intuitive reactions, or you can use it to become better at understanding people who may be similar to me (including, hopefully, yourself?) please use this labor of my love for something good, or at the very least - interesting. Chaos and mischief is fine too, as long as it creates opportunity for new forms of love and amazement.
I feel used. Honestly.
I am oscillating between disgust and sorrow at the realization that for so many years of my adult life, I’ve fallen victim to other people’s aspirations for me rather than what makes me excited and proud for myself. I’ve relied on others because I couldn’t love myself. And I’ve been unable to love myself because I only knew how to be persons that someone else wanted me to be.
I honestly thought this would be over when I came out as a woman nearly 10 years ago.
But it has taken a lot longer than that. Maybe somewhere around 7-8 years if one is prone to mix the tale of Theseus’ Ship with speculations on human biology.
Unfortunately, a whole lot of insecure folks with probably many of the same anxious-dependent issues as I had turned me into something like their token tranny. And instead of being allowed to fail and grow, I was somehow expected to be an unstoppable and righteous and perfect trailblazer to completely inhuman standards, lest be deemed a traitor and a machiavellian abuser.
The weirdest thing is, it seemed as though I succeeded for quite a while in playing the role at first. I came to have the impression that I was rather popular with a whole lot of people who were otherwise more or less difficult to impress for someone not of my caliber. And then everything changed pretty dramatically as I started to rebel against that fanciful ideal.
For you know … being adored so much is almost more dehumanizing than the demonization that came from the transphobes and misogynists. It almost rid me of opportunities to grow and be my own person just as much as being cast out as a traitor briefly did. And the worst part: So many people seem still somewhat scared of me, even after several “falls from grace”. Even friends. I know of nothing more lonely than being treated as some quasi-famous genius who could never be met on a level field, for fear that I might launch the same type of canceling or “calling out” or bullying campaign against them as they would against me, for the slightest little misstep or unintended microaggression.
The crazy thing about being held to impossibly high standards is, you can become incredibly good at a few things. So much so that you maybe won’t even realize when others aren’t, because you’re too busy focusing on just survival for yourself. And you know what? That IS pretty cool and powerful. But it can also leave you in a very lonely and confusing place, as you outgrow those who are cut a whole lot more slack. Especially if those people who used to love you, stop doing so because you changed as was necessary for you, or when they act envious and entitled, and start leveraging some “male socialization” bullshit against you as if you owed them some part of your success for being born “impure” or having perceived advantages over them.
Yeah, I’m mad as hell. And I’m not yet going to be mentioning names, but you can go to hell as far as I care if you feel like holding me responsible for your fear of becoming unpopular should I choose to insist on defining my own narrative again. I’m not trying to be or be seen as perfect. I just want to be acknowledged for having human feelings and not having to understand everyone else’s struggles before being allowed to focus on my own. So fuck you, self-proclaimed “feminists”, “queer community”, and others who cling so much to using trauma porn as a currency to buy lenience or straight up remove accountability for participation in targeted harassment campaigns against those who become so unfortunate as to depend materially on your "acceptance".
I hate to live in the belief that I will probably never escape from having to pay a recurring subscription fee of occasional trauma porn to the masses in order to be treated as a barely human being. But I hate even more finding out that that same trauma porn has already, without my consent, been used to buy me silence instead of constructive criticism on my own problematic behavior at times.
I just couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on for a while, with all the gaslighting, the virtue signalling, people distancing themselves from me without explanation, people displaying body language incongruent with what they would say to me, so I just shut down and stopped engaging with most things outside of my job, including in particular facebook, instagram, and this website, that has been so defining for my public image outside of the dishonest and simplified version of me that established media care to frame occasionally.
This isn’t an apology
This isn’t an apology. It’s just me wanting to have a say in how I get framed as well. As always.
But it did a lot more to me than that. It seems I’ve always had anxiety, just handled it so well that no-one suspected how bad it was, including myself. I’m also autistic, which is a neurologic and inherent condition. And same story, of course. So in addition to everything else, I’m going through mourning all the times I was punished for not acting “neurotypically”, and at the same time mourning how much time I’ve spent masking so hard that no-one could ever get to see and feel love for the real me. That is, until someone else came into my life, saw right through me, and yet again, it only caught up to me how much it meant to finally truly be seen like that as she took her own life no more than half a year later than succeeding with getting into my head as no-one else ever had.
So, um, simultaneously thank you and fuck you, world, for being such a harsh teacher.
When it comes to some of the more fundamental mechanics of physics and consciousness, consequences may come from a somewhat more cosmic willpower. And I do not yet master megalomania to such a degree that the power of “black holes” feel within reach to my often humbled human agencies.
Most importantly, though, all that stuff…
The tokenization, the unforgiveness, the false accusations, the uncharitable interpretations, the sexual assaults and constant attacks on my bodily and financial autonomy even …
It made it very hard for me to identify friend from foe. It made me distrustful and prone to recurring bouts of depression. It made me burned out as fuck, and not just regular stress burnout. Autistic burnout, ok? Anyway, I don’t even care if you know what that means, but if you do, I see you, too.
I do, though, feel saddened at how much I’ve shut out or outright forgotten people who may have truly cared about me. At times when I’ve been at my lowest (a core part of depression is a tendency to bouts of pessimism reminiscent of that of psychosis, but more short-lived), I’ve been feeling skeptical and suspicious of literally everyone including my closest friends and confidants. So much that I’ve learned that sometimes I can only go on by seeking the advice or audience with strangers for a bit. I learned a long time ago to forgive myself for this sometimes toxic and often self-sabotaging trait, for I know that I still need it for my survival. But I want people out there to know this and consider it too, when evaluating my behaviour. I hope you can forgive it.
Please know that I know it causes other people anxiety and sadness to see that apathetic and strange version of me. It just seems to me that I can’t avoid being her sometimes, too, and I’m still unsure if the more healthy thing is for me to be fighting her off, or just let me be her temporarily so we can get it over with at times.
This is the part where things get particularly rough. I generally don’t publish texts with these kinds of feelings without processing them out loud a bit too, so if you do read on from here, please promise me that you will read the text until the (less bitter) end? If it’s too rough on you to hear all this right now, please skip on to the “This is the part where I lighten up” section, and consider reading the 4 paragraphs between it and this after finishing the rest of my piece?
There is a significantly non-zero chance that she will end up being the one who kills me, and shocker: She finally got within a hair's width of actually doing it twice this year. Yay me for unlocking the next level of the ladder to truly understanding the mindset of suicidality from inside. If you get the “joke”, my condolences, and if you don’t: Please appreciate your luck, and forgive me once again for my bleak humor. It can only partly be joke when it’s also the truth.
I know already, and I want you to know too… That if she, the version of me that collects herbs and other poisons out of spite for those who want me to keep living, were to succeed one day, it would be out of love for me, and me only. Sincerely: I have parts of me that care only for my own self-interest and very little for what others want of me, even when those wants are very appreciated (it’s OK to want me to be alive, LOL).
I love those parts of me now, even if some of them appear dangerous, and look … I’m an autistic transgender woman, and a both outspoken, rude, and slutty one at that. If I hadn’t the ability to love dangerous people, I wouldn’t be able to love anyone at all. You’re all huge liabilities to me, las, even the ones who are as trans and gay and retarded as me.
And no, I don’t mean that [retarded] in the demeaning way; My medical journals literally contains diagnoses in the language of mental retardation, and I frankly don’t think it absolutely has to be a bad thing to have brain genes who took inspiration from axolotls’ forever-larval-state shenanigans, even though it sucks at times
This is the part where I lighten up
Luckily, I’m also way too extroverted and curious about other people to let the fact of other people being huge liabilities to my mental health deter me into more permanent self-isolation. This life I’ve had does barely scratch the surface of what most people would consider a good one, and it never really stood a chance, anyway. So screw normative ideas of “happiness”, I’ve found value in deep introspection, believing that awkwardness can be cute sometimes, seeking out people who dare to still be intimately vulnerable at times, and letting myself go when it comes to special interests, hilarious sex, and other rowdy, but mostly harmless antics. Some occasional masochism can be helpful too, in limited doses. One doesn’t have to only enjoy the prettiest aspects of life. Sometimes beauty and excitement can be found in the ugly and the weird as well. It’s just that I find it a lot easier to tolerate or enjoy certain types of cruelty, when it’s also consensual.
And with that … I feel like I can finally say I’ve started some sort of process of putting my more vulnerable self a bit more out there as well. I’ve written this long piece for you, in part to explain why I haven’t been able to put something out for a while. I’ve been afraid that people might just yet again take my writings and use them to commit the very evil that I seek to work deliberately against with the moral positions that I’ve outlined in the beginning of this text. I’ve not even gotten properly into all the considerations I’ve had about mourning years lost to thinking that I was a goddamn neurotypical, and I have a lot more to tell about just what’s been going down in this forsaken year of 2021, and what really brought me to know my more “mysterious” aspects of self.
I had to do the work of combining my own experiences and feelings to those very moral positions before I could progress. Let’s call it my version of “dealing with trauma” through 2021. I believe I am hardly the only person to have been through the same process, and I hope this text, apart from clarifying for some of my friends where I have been for 2 years, can inspire strangers, too, to do the work of understanding why we have this type of social violence in our communities
Next up will probably be something about what a genocidal machine our healthcare system continues to be for those of us considered to not be ideal citizens, and I have yet to tell the big tale of being so sick with physical pain, cyclical vomiting, and some for me yet indescribable bodily sensations that keep me awake in a most unpleasant way at times, to such a point that dissociative memory loss became too obvious and prominent for me to ignore it as a new possible explanation for certain aspects of attention deficit (hyperactive) disorder that do not seem to be remedied by the traditional stimulant-based medications.
But now I’ve gotten myself to the point where I feel like I processed publicly enough for the time being again. Until I need to labour to get back to this most preferred state of being once again, in the words of another connoisseur of bonkers, I’ve recently discovered:
“How nice -- to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive.”