Saturday 11 June a SlutWalk is happening in Copenhagen. The protest has been arranged by a group of activists from Copenhagen, and intends to gather the city's residents for a celebration of the right to our own bodies, and a reckoning with a culture that trivialises sexual assaults.
SlutWalk is a transnational movement that started in Toronto in 2011, the same year the first SlutWalk took place in Copehagen.
SlutWalk is by the group behind the protest intended as a celebration of own choice, sexuality, personal ownership of expression and mutual respect. To call someone a 'slut', a 'skank' or a 'cheap whore' is to exclude them, and can be at worst be used in the justification of rape. SlutWalk challenges the idea that a human can be 'cheap' - that the more blowjobs you have given, the more people you have had intercourse with, the less you have left on the account. This pricing of human sexuality is distasteful, misplaced and inappropriate for a modern society which, on the outside, encourages inclusivity and acceptance.
Maia Kahlke-Lorentzen from the group behind SlutWalk Copenhagen, said: "SlutWalk is a celebration of the right to our own bodies and thus a reckoning with the idea, that our dress or sexual preferences in any way can excuse of justify rape or other types of sexual assault. We want to reclaim the word 'slut' and reject the whore stigma.
SlutWalk is also a demand for respect - a calling of of the shaming of bodies and sexuality which is so common in our society, that almost all of us participate in it without even thinking about it. A celebration of our right to decide over our own bodies, our expressions, whom we bang and how, without having to fear being labelled or punished for our choices.
SlutWalk is happening Saturday 11 June, and starts off from Christiansborgs Slutsplads at 12 noon. Everyone is invited and you can join the SlutWalk as a group or individual with your own messages, as long as they are not sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist or shame other participants.
Press contact:
Julie Zerlang
Tel: 45 93 89 05 20