A Golden Lock with silver and chrome elements in the foreground, rotated slightly towards the upper left corner. A bundle of lustrous golden hair slithers from one edge of the frame, through the keyhole of the lock, and extends out into the distance. The background has green hues and blue-ish gradients, showcasing a solarpunk aesthetic with green plant growth intertwined with high-tech architecture.

Detective in Red

29/Jul/2024 20:56:25

"Welcome back, Isaac"~she~shhhhhhh~shhh|^^it *vaguely*


The Databass

29/Jul/2024 21:09:09

Why do they call it "The Dredge"?~☆

"The best stories are tinged with danger"

"which is why algo will go first";

"your firstborns' son"

"I'm like your soul"; 

"Your memories alone can't provide The answer"; ~ The RoS
