I'm just a detective. I find things... Like monkeys and microwaves...

I love hydroponics and science fiction. Ever watched The Expanse? With Detective Miller? Yeah. He's quite a favorite to me. I like to think that I can try to be more like him sometimes. But less ... Dead, ya know? ;]

Now, I better stop myself here before too many spoilers. See ya 'round, kiddo! "Don't let the room eat you" ;p

Paranoid Programmer

25/Jul/2024 11:12:55

Made you a profile picture: https://killjoy.dk/Content/p/pp/detective-bleu.webp


Paranoid Programmer

25/Jul/2024 12:12:35

Here's 2 more the machine printed "as extras" for some reason ... While I was at it anyway:


